SCV Guest File Restore operation failing with error "Exception happened while attaching disk to vm"
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server 4.x
- SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere 4.x
Guest File Restore operation failing.
SnapCenter and vCenter Monitor showing the that disk has been mounted.
Error Message: "Exception happened while attaching disk to vm"
AEGIS LOG FILE [JobId:xxx] Guest mount path returned by attach disk was null [JobId:xxx] Exception happened while attaching disk to vm. Exception message: Failed to online new drive on guest, error during onlining Could not find drive with serial number 6000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Set session online complete [JobId:xxx] Attach disk failed , ending sfr session
Verbose SAL PID=[6104] TID=[5356] Creating Mounted Resource 17263278
Verbose SAL PID=[6104] TID=[5356] Creating Mounted Resource for Volume parent xxxxxxxxxx clone volume yyyyyyyyyy
Verbose SAL PID=[6104] TID=[5356] --NFSMountStrategy::MountResource
Verbose SAL PID=[6104] TID=[5356] Mounted Resource parent volume xxxxxxxxxx clone volume yyyyyyyyyy
Verbose SAL PID=[6104] TID=[5356] ++NFSMountStrategy::RollbackCloneForFailedMount
Verbose SAL PID=[6104] TID=[5356] --NFSMountStrategy::RollbackCloneForFailedMount
SnapCenter Monitor view:
Windows added the disk with status "Offline"
Disk Management view:
After 20 seconds disk has been removed.
SCV Job Monitor view: