SnapCenter for Oracle backups failed with NETAPP-SNAPCTR: Activity 'Discovering Oracle Database Files' failed with error: Discovery failed for object <SID> with error PL-SCO-20050
Applies to
SnapCenter for Oracle (SCO) plugin
During backup operations, the SCO plugin fails with the following errors:
2018-05-07T17:28:16.7763290-04:00 ERROR SMCore PID=[3752] TID=[230]ErrorCode (109), ErrorMessage (The following activities failed: Discovering OracleDatabase Files. Please check the activities for detailed error message.)
2018-05-07T17:28:18.2138471-04:00 DEBUG SMCore PID=[3752] TID=[230]SendEmsMessage sending: -StorageSystem <IP_address> -AppVersion -EventSource SnapCenter Software -Category Error -ComputerName Netapp-snapctr -EventDescription Job [77] Activity [Discovering Oracle Database Files] failed witherror: Discovery failed for object <SID> with error PL-SCO-20050: SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle Database operation failed with errors. -EventId 1002 -LogLevel 3 -AutoSupport False