SCE backup time out
Applies to
- SnapCenter Plugin for Exchange (SCE) 4.x
- Large DAG Implementations (large number of Disks over number of nodes)
The Backup operation times out on starting the Backup through SnapCenter Plug-in for Exchange, as visible from the SMCore log:
DEBUG SMCore_18910 PID=[13404] TID=[45] RemoteURL: https://localhost:8145/SCEManagementService/Backup
INFO SMCore_18910 PID=[13404] TID=[45] SmWebClient : Timeout set to 3600000
INFO SMCore_18910 PID=[13404] TID=[45] SmWebClient : Connection Limit set to 1500
DEBUG SMCore_18910 PID=[13404] TID=[45] Request Data: ****************************
<SmBackupRequest ...
And after one hour:
ERROR SMCore_18910 PID=[13404] TID=[45] Exception in method: InvokeXML.
ERROR SMCore_18910 PID=[13404] TID=[45] ErrorCode (-1), ErrorMessage (The operation has timed out)