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NetApp Knowledge Base

Managing the SnapCenter MySQL repository

Last Updated:

Applies to

SnapCenter Server (SC)


  • SnapCenter has a MySQL database/repository referred as the NSM database
  • Common management tasks with the SnapCenter repository include
    • Backing up or protecting the NSM repository database
    • Restoring the NSM database
    • Migrating the NSM database or resetting the MySQL root password
Topic Solution
Backup How to create a backup schedule for the SnapCenter repository
How to view backups of the SnapCenter repository
Restore Restoring the SnapCenter repository
Administrator How to migrate the SnapCenter repository
Resetting the MySQL root password on the SnapCenter Server

Additional Information

Parent topic: Install and configure SnapCenter Server

There are additional methods to backup and restore the NSM MySQL database using mysql and mysqldump commands, if needed,

Please contact NetApp Technical Support or log into the NetApp Support Site to create a technical case. Reference this article for further assistance.


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