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NetApp Knowledge Base

Manipulating a Linux host in SnapCenter, can delay scheduled backups by hours

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SnapCenter Server
  • SnapCenter Plug-in for SAP HANA (SCHANA)


In large scale backup environments, with a large amount of backup jobs scheduled on the same minute (e.g. with SAP HANA, using a relatively large number of NonDataVolumes for a backup job, snapshotting the archive logs avery quarter of an hour), manipulations of a new host into the SnapCenter can cause a long delay in running backups.
Since the next backup may come sooner, these backups will queue up and will need to be canceled manually.
Even without SnapCenter GUI usage to add a new host, these jobs run normally, it can usually be seen that some of the jobs take extra time to end, whether they run vault updates or not.

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