Can't create clone via SnapCenter
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- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx
- Last Updated:
- 1/31/2022, 8:37:25 PM
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-In for SQL (SCSQL)
SCSQL clone creation fails due to a database name conflict on the destination SQL instance even though the database has been deleted:
2021-02-02T11:52:11.0356597+00:00 WARN SnapManagerWeb_<Job_Id> PID=[7132] TID=[61] Database <Target_Server_Name_Target_Database_Clone_Name> is existing on <Target_Server_Name> cannot create another database with same name
2021-02-02T11:52:11.0356597+00:00 DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<Job_Id> PID=[7132] TID=[61] No objects to all have conflict throw exception
2021-02-02T11:52:11.0356597+00:00 ERROR SnapManagerWeb_<Job_Id> PID=[7132] TID=[61] Failed to create clone request. System.Exception: Clone failed. Error details are Cannot clone database. Either the cloned database name <Target_Server_Name_Target_Database_Clone_Name> conflicts with another database on same instance or the same resource is registered by an other user during discovery.