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VMware vSphere: Unable to restore VM's from .snapshot directory

Last Updated:

Applies to

VMware vSphere 6.7U3 


NetApp ONTAP stores volume snapshots in a .snapshot directory within the volume. 

  • This .snapshot directory, if made visible from ONTAP, can be browsed via the storage view in the vSphere WebClient or UI client
  • Customers can browse the .snapshot directory to restore files that they need from a NetApp volume snapshot

There is an issue seen in vSphere 6.7U3 when CBT (Changed Block Tracking) is enabled.  The symptoms of this issue are:

  • Customers cannot copy vmdk / -flat.vmdk files from the .snapshot directory via the vSphere UI or by cloning using vmkfstools -i
  • When attempting to clone or copy a vmdk / -flat.vmdk file from the .snapshot directory, the following error is encountered:

DISKLIB-LIB_CLONE   : Failed to clone : Invalid change tracker error code (5948)


2019-10-11T16:44:55.855Z info hostd[2100574] [Originator@6876 sub=DiskLib opID=esxui-abcd-1234 user=root] DISKLIB-CTK : Could not open change tracking 
 file "/vmfs/volumes/abcd123-abcd123
/.snapshot/daily.2019-10-11_0010/VM/VM-ctk.vmdk": Change tracking invalid or disk in use.

  • When CBT is disabled, and there is no -ctk.vmdk file, the copy operation is successful.


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