How and where we are collecting the QoS wait time field in OCI
Applies to
7.3.9 OnCommand insight
OCI collects QOS wait time using 'workload_queue_nblade' object and extract 'delay_qos_limit_wait_time' from it.
The request looks like this:
<<< REQUEST >>>
The response back is this:
Counter info:
Additional Information
So this is how OCI is seeing that as a wait time. it's time spent in waiting due to QoS policies, so it should represent delay in response (possibly due to QoS throttling).
For NetApp Cmode, it's polled from counter "delay_qos_limit_wait_time", for workload_queue_nblade object on internal volume
OCI does convert the unit microsec to millisec in the back ground for easier read for end user.
Depending on how OCI is set for polling time depends on what the QoS Wait Time will show, it will avg out total time collected.