Start operation for Active IQ Management Server service fails due to timeout even though it has actually started
Applies to
- Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) / CentOS
systemctl start ocie
fails 1 hour latersystemctl status ocie
indicates that the operation fails due to timeout
Starting Active IQ Management Server service . This may take couple of minutes
ocie.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
ocie.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Failed to start LSB: Active IQ Management Server.
doesn't have log entries forGET /api/management-server/admin/environment
whensystemctl start ocie
[GET /api/management-server/admin/environment HTTP/1.1] [200] [-] [curl/7.61.1] [*/*] [application/vnd.netapp.v1.hal+json] [644] [15622]
- AIQUM Web GUI (https://<IP_address>:443) can be accessed normally with a browser
- Running manually
returnsocie is started
# /opt/netapp/ocum/scripts/ localhost
checking localhost:443
ocie is started
- A log of the proxy server indicates that the access is trying to connect http://localhost.domainname:443/