How to collect logs (support bundle) from Active IQ Unified Manager on a Red Hat or CentOS
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5 and below ( OCUM )
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6+ ( AQIUM )
- Red Hat/CentOS
- This article details the steps for log collection for both Active IQ Unified Manager ( AQIUM ) and OnCommand Unified Manager ( UM ) on either the Red Hat or CentOS platforms.
- Instructions for log collection are the same for both Red Hat and CentOS.
- Starting with Active IQ Unified Manager 9.8 there is now an option to Generate Light Support Bundle.
- Starting with Active IQ Unified Manager 9.8 there is now an option to upload your support bundle directly to NetApp using your technical support case number.
- Starting with Active IQ Unified Manager 9.9 there is now an option to generate and upload light and full support bundles via the web UI .