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How to access Active IQ Unified Manager Virtual Machine (OVA) DIAG shell

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM)
  • OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM)
  • VMware OVA


  • This KB article outlines the steps to enable and access the diag shell in an Active IQ Unified Manager virtual appliance (OVA)
  • The diag shell can be used to execute action plans outlined in other NetApp KB articles, but changes that are made within the diag shell that are not part of NetApp Guidance may result in the appliance being unsupported by NetApp


Caution: The changes made within the DIAG shell can result in data loss, and/or loss of functionality within the Virtual Appliance.
  1. Take a backup of the AIQUM database
  2. Shut down the VM and take a VMware snapshot
  3. Power the VM on and access the VM console through the vSphere client
    • Launch Web Console or Launch Remote Console
  4. Log in as the maintenance user
    • Note: The maintenance user is the first user that is configured when the Virtual Appliance is initially configured
  5. Select (4) Support/Diagnostics from the main menu

Active IQ Unified Manager Virtual Machine (OVA) DIAG shell

  1. Enter eds or erds based on your preference
    • eds - Enables diag shell in VMware console window
      • Type exit to leave local diag shell at any time
      • VMware console window does not allow copy/paste
    • erds - Enables diag shell to be accessible via remote SSH (ie: PuTTY) 
      • You cannot login via SSH as root user. You must login as the diag user first​​​​​​
  2. Type Y when prompted Would you like to enable remote diagnostics?
  3. Enter and confirm a new password for the diag user
    • The password is good until midnight of the day it is enabled or for a single sign-in session

Enables diag shell in VMware console window

  1. If selecting remote diag shell, type X to exit
  2. Launch third-party tool (such as PuTTY) and open an SSH to the IP of the AIQUM appliance
  3. Log in using the diag user
    • Username: diag
    • Password: <enter the password that you set in Step 8 above>
      •  Note: You can not login via SSH as root user. You must login as the 'diag' user first. All attempts to login via root over SSH will fail
  4. The CLI will accept most of the command sets as standard Debian based environments:
    • Type sudo -s as diag to open a root shell
    • Type exit to change from root back to diag
    • Type exit again to exit the diag shell.


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