Do I have to add all my clusters to Active IQ Unified Manager before configuring to EMS subscriptions?
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM) 7.x - 9.5.x
- Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM) 9.6.x+
No. Clusters can be added to Unified Manager after EMS Subscriptions have been configured. The cluster addition process will register the cluster with the Unified Manager EMS system and then complete the subscription process on the cluster itself.
Additional Information
Refer to the following articles for more setup information about EMS-based event subscriptions in Active IQ Unified Manager:
- How to identify EMS events for subscription in Active IQ Unified Manager
- How to configure and receive alerts from ONTAP EMS Event Subscription in Active IQ Unified Manager
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Troubleshooting KB Articles for ActiveIQ Unified Manager ONTAP EMS subscription based events