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SMSQL verify fails because of timeout during mounting Snapshot

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server (SMSQL) 7.2.3
  • SnapDrive for Windows (SDW) 7.1.5


  • SMSQL verify fails because of timeout during mounting Snapshot.
  • SMSQL backup report shows that it fails to mount Snapshot with Unspecified error 0x80004005.


[<HOST>] Collecting verification information...
[<HOST>] Getting database backup information from SnapInfo file...
[<HOST>] Running verification from local server....
[<HOST>] Mounting Snapshot [<Snapshot>] for [<DRIVE_LETTER>] of Computer [<HOST>]
[<HOST>] SnapManager will use directory [PATH>] to mount snapshot [<Snapshot>]
[<HOST>] Mount point directory [PATH>]
[<HOST>] Snapshot will be mounted on directory [<PATH>]

[<HOST>] Starting SDAPI mount snapshot...
[<HOST>] Preparing LUN '<DRIVE_LETTER>', for SDAPI operation...
[<HOST>] Mounting snapshot: <Snapshot>
[<HOST>] Snapshot mount failed.
[<HOST>] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: Timeout has occurred while waiting for disk arrival notification from the operating system.

[<HOST>] SDAPI failed to mount snapshot.
[<HOST>] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: Timeout has occurred while waiting for disk arrival notification from the operating system.

[<HOST>] Error Code: 0x80004005 
Unspecified error



[<HOST>] Collecting verification information...
[<HOST>] Getting database backup information from SnapInfo file...
[<HOST>] Running verification from local server....
[<HOST>] Mounting Snapshot [<Snapshot>] for [<DRIVE_LETTER>] of Computer [<HOST>]
[<HOST>] SnapManager will use directory [PATH>] to mount snapshot [<Snapshot>]
[<HOST>] Mount point directory [PATH>]
[<HOST>] Snapshot will be mounted on directory [<PATH>]

[<HOST>] Starting SDAPI mount snapshot...

[<HOST>] Preparing LUN '<DRIVE_LETTER>', for SDAPI operation...
[<HOST>] Mounting snapshot: <Snapshot>
[<HOST>] Snapshot mount failed.
[<HOST>] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: Failed to connect LUN on some or all non-owner nodes.
Please check event log for more details.

[<HOST>] SDAPI failed to mount snapshot.
[<HOST>] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: Failed to connect LUN on some or all non-owner nodes.
Please check event log for more details.

[<HOST>] Error Code: 0x80004005 
Unspecified error


  • Snpdrvdbg.log shows timeout is detected after retrying to scan devices in rescanAndWaitForDeviceArrival().

PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    DiskMountInfo.cpp@2238        Start rescanAndWaitForDeviceArrival()
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@10        Start rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName(), deviceName: \\.\Scsi0:.
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@22        Finish rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName()
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@10        Start rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName(), deviceName: \\.\Scsi1:.
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@22        Finish rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName()
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@10        Start rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName(), deviceName: \\.\Scsi3:.
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@22        Finish rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName()
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@10        Start rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName(), deviceName: \\.\Scsi2:.
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    rescanable_scsi_entity.cpp@22        Finish rescanSCSIBusByDeviceName()

PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    System.cpp@3697        Start CSystem::diskFound
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    System.cpp@3729        Finish CSystem::diskFound: FALSE
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    DiskMountInfo.cpp@2238        Start rescanAndWaitForDeviceArrival()


PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    System.cpp@3729        Finish CSystem::diskFound: FALSE
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    localerror.cpp@82        Is_VDS_ITF_Error(): false.
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    localerror.cpp@94        Is_WMI_ITF_Error(): false.
PID:<PID>    TID:<TID>    DiskMountInfo.cpp@2261        Timeout has occurred while waiting for disk arrival notification from the operating system.
 HRESULT 0xc004027c.

Note: This error can be seen in Snpdrvdbg.log for other nodes when it is Windows cluster configuration.



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