WFA shows connection time out while deleting large qtrees
- Views:
- 55
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- Category:
- oncommand-workflow-automation-wfa
- Specialty:
- legacy
- Last Updated:
- 3/20/2023, 3:13:10 PM
Applies to
- WorkFlow Automation (WFA) 5.1.1Px
- ONTAP 9.x
- WFA returns connection time out while deletion of larger qtrees
- Error in GUI:
INFO [Remove qtree] Removing qtree: '<qtree_name>' on volume: '<volume_name> using the expression: Remove-NcQtree -ErrorAction Stop -Confirm:$false -Volume '<volume_name' -Qtree '<qtree_name>' -VserverContext 'vserver_name' -Force
15:36:13.860 ERROR
[Remove qtree] Connection to <cluster_name> on port 443 for protocol HTTPS timed out.
15:36:13.922 ERROR [Remove qtree]
Command failed for Workflow '<workflow_name>' with error : Connection to '<cluster_name>' on port 443
for protocol HTTPS timed out.
ERROR [] (Thread-632 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) WFLYEJB0034: EJB Invocation failed on component WorkflowExecutionJobExecutorImpl for method public abstract void com.netapp.wfa.engine.job.WorkflowExecutionJobExecutor.execute(com.netapp.wfa.engine.job.WorkflowJob,int): javax.ejb.EJBException: ScriptExecutionException{Message: Connection to <cluster_name> on port 443 for protocol HTTPS timed out., Cause: null}
Caused by: ScriptExecutionException{Message: Connection to <cluster_name> on port 443 for protocol HTTPS timed out., Cause: null}
at deployment.wfa-0.5.ear.common-0.5.jar//com.netapp.wfa.common.executor.impl.ScriptHandlerBaseImpl.executeScriptCommand(
at deployment.wfa-0.5.ear.common-0.5.jar//com.netapp.wfa.common.executor.impl.ScriptHandlerBaseImpl.execute(