How to manage alerts for OnCommand Unified Manager
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager 7.3 (OCUM)
- OnCommand Unified Manager 9.4 (OCUM)
- OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5 (OCUM)
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6 ( AIQUM )
- Microsoft Windows Server
- VMware OVA
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
- CentOS
Note: Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6 uses the old OnCommand Unified Manager web interface.
- This Knowledge Article is intended to help guide storage administrators in managing alerts in OnCommand Unified Manager.
- If you are looking to manage alerts in the newer Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6+ see the following Knowledge Article.
- Alerts are configured to notify administrators of a new status change on clustered storage systems.
- When alerts are being received for a status that is already known, or expected, administrators have the opportunity to disable the associated alert.
- It might be necessary to disable the related alert, or exclude certain resources from alerts.