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NetApp Knowledge Base

What is the performance impact on NAS when using FPolicy in Data ONTAP 7-mode?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Data ONTAP 8.2 7-Mode


  • FPolicy will cause CIFS and NFS work to be serialized (not spread across multiple processor cores). Look specifically at elevated Kahuna domain utilization with FPolicy enabled.
  • In Data ONTAP 7-mode NFS traffic will be impacted more than CIFS traffic, since there's no equivalent of first_read and first_write filter
     for NFS. This means that instead of just the first read operation being scanned, all packets for that read are scanned. (See Bug# 858682)
  • See TR 3640 for ways to mitigate impact from overloaded FPolicy servers.
    Latencies and requests can be seen in Perfstat or via the CLI:
    • Data ONTAP 7-Mode:
      • > priv set diag
      • *>stats perfstat_fpolicy_stats_server (look for avg_latency and make sure there is a non-zero 'base')

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