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What are the CIFS statistics to be collected for individual user sessions?

Last Updated:

Applies to

Data ONTAP operating in 7-mode


When a storage system or a controller is running Data ONTAP 8.x for CIFS. The administrator can collect the ops, reads, writes, ios and suspicious stats. The storage system with cifs.per_client_stats.enable option on collects statistics on a per-client basis. This allows the use of the cifs top command, as well as the -u and -h options of CIFS stat for vfilers.

Note: Administrators must be aware that there will be an overhead when collecting the per-client stats.

The overhead might noticeably affect the storage system performance. If the options are turned off, any existing per-client statistics are discarded.

The cifs.per_client_stats.enable option is turned off by default.

Default: off

Effective: Upon CIFS client reconnection

Persistence: Remains in effect across system reboots

         cifs top [-n <maxclients>] [-v] [-s <sort>] [-a <avg>]
                <sort> is {ops|reads|writes|ios|suspicious}.
                <avg> is {smooth|now|total}.
                Above two can be abbreviated and default to first choice.

         cifs stat [-v[v]] [-h <ip-or-host>] [-u <user>] [ <interval> ]
         cifs stat [-z]
         cifs stat [-c]
               -v, -h and -u only available when the options "cifs.per_client_stats.enable" is on.
               -h option only available in vfiler context.
               -u option only available in vfiler context.


user1-2> cifs top
 ops/s  reads(n, KB/s) writes(n, KB/s) suspect/s   IP              Name
     0 |      0        0 |   0    0 |      0 |      NETAPPuser1


Additional Information

na_cifs man page


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