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How to detect solid-state drives (SSDs) life used rate for Data ONTAP 7-Mode?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode
  • Solid State Drives


Solid-state drives (SSDs) have a more predictable end-of-life as compared to hard-disk drives (HDDs). Therefore - 

  • SSDs of the same make and model deployed at the same time on the same system are likely to reach end-of-life around the same time
  • When an SSD reaches 100% of rated life, it might not be able to retain data while powered off for long periods of time
  • SSDs in this state have an increased risk of data loss. ONTAP includes certain Event Management System (EMS) messages to inform customers of the impending end-of-life of their SSDs.

ONTAP generates an event when the rated life of an SSD reaches any of the following three (3) thresholds:

  1. Rated life used >= 90% AND < 95%: shm.threshold.ratedLife
  2. Rated life used >= 95% AND < 100%: shm.threshold.ratedLife2
  3. Rated life used = 100%: shm.threshold.ratedLifeMax


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