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NetApp Knowledge Base

Error while trying to add 7-mode Filer to 7-Mode Transition Tool (7MTT): Failed to communicate with the host system using TLS or SSL protocols

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Data ONTAP
  • 7MTT


Unable to add or communicate with the 7-mode filer in 7MTT.


Run the 'secureadmin setup ssl'  command with certificate Key Length of a minimum of 1024

fas01> secureadmin setup ssl
SSL Setup has already been done before. Do you want to proceed? [no] y
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]:
State or Province Name (full name) [California]:
Locality Name (city, town, etc.) [Santa Clara]:
Organization Name (company) [Your Company]:
Organization Unit Name (division):
Common Name (fully qualified domain name) []:
Administrator email:
Days until expires [5475] :
Key Type (RSA or ECDSA) [RSA]:
Key length (bits) [512] :1024
Mon May  4 13:50:29 UTC [fas01:secureadmin.ssl.setup.success:info]: Restarting SSL with new certificate.

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