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What's the procedure for CVO setting backup and restore if it's broken?

Last Updated:

Applies to

Cloud Volume ONTAP(CVO)


  • About Backup
    • The Node/Cluster settings are backed up automatically as configuration backup files on  theCVO.
    • The CVO regularly uploads configuration backup files to the connector
    • The CVO and Connector backup files check example:

::> set advanced
::*> system configuration backup show

Node       Backup Name                               Time               Size
---------  ----------------------------------------- ------------------ -----
CVOHA-01   CVOHA.8hour.2024-10-03.10_15_09.7z        10/03 10:15:09     17.32MB
CVOHA-02   CVOHA.8hour.2024-10-03.10_15_09.7z        10/03 10:15:09     17.32MB
3 entries were displayed.
::*> system configuration backup settings show -instance
                  Backup Destination URL:
                Username for Destination: -
            Validate Digital Certificate: -
                              Schedule 1: 8hour
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 1: 2
                              Schedule 2: daily
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 2: 2
                              Schedule 3: weekly
Number of Backups to Keep for Schedule 3: 2

root@ip-172-20-1-93:/opt/application/netapp/cloudmanager/docker_occm/data/offboxconfig/CVOHA-VsaWorkingEnvironment-qbMM9Fao# ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18164378 Oct  3 10:15 CVOHA.8hour.2024-10-03.10_15_09.7z


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