Multiple wafl inconsistency errors in a CVO Azure cluster
Applies to
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO)
- Azure
Multiple WAFL inconsistency errors in a CVO Azure cluster in the middle of a cascaded Snapmirror relation that is causing Snapmirrors to fail and node 2 to panic and take a volume offline
Fri Feb 24 21:25:08 +0000 [ZUSSCPDELFST110-01: wafl_exempt04:]: WAFL inconsistent: bad block at VBN 1424675944 (vvbn:210910399 fbn:259381 level:0) in public inode (fileid:4294966845 snapid:0 fixable:0 file_type:1 disk_flags:0x2 error:120 raid_set:1) in volume PDELFReturns_SC110@vserver:452f8c1c-cd11-11eb-87ed-000d3a717a20. Fri Feb 24 21:25:08 +0000 [ZUSSCPDELFST110-01: wafl_exempt04: callhome.wafl.inconsistent.block:alert]: Call home for WAFL INCONSISTENT BLOCK