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How to delete spare disks from Cloud Volume ONTAP

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp BlueXP
  • NetApp Cloud Volume ONTAP (CVO)


  • In certain scenarios such as deleting aggregate from System Manager or the CVO CLI, the constituting disk end up becoming spare disks.
  • This procedure explains how to completely remove spare disks from a CVO.


  1. Re-create an aggregate using the same disks (via system manager / command line).

CVOcluster ::> disk show -container-type spare

For CVO single node clusters on any hypervisor or Azure-HA use the command:

CVOcluster ::> storage aggregate create -aggregate <aggr name> -diskcount #ofspares -simulate

Confirm the simulated aggregate creation is successful then repeat the command without the "-simulate"   option.

For CVO HA clusters on AWS or GCP use the command (not applicable for Azure-HA):

CVOcluster ::> storage aggregate create -aggregate <aggr name> -mirror -diskcount #ofspares -simulate

Confirm the simulated aggregate creation is successful then repeat the command without the "-simulate"   option.

  1. Delete the aggregate from the Connector.

Note: Deleting aggregate from the Connector completely removes the disks from CVO and Cloud provider infrastructure.

Connect to BlueXP Connector UI, navigate to the Aggregates tab and click the menu (three dots) of the aggregate to select delete:


3. If the spare disks have not been deleted, Please contact NetApp Technical Support and reference this article for further assistance.



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