Hostname does not resolve in Azure CVO
Applies to
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP
- BlueXP
- Azure
- Page blobs
- After setting up private endpoints to storage accounts, DNS and errors began to spam frequently.
[?] Tue Jan 07 14:20:11 +0000 [node-01: OscHighPriThreadPool:]: Object-store server host name "" cannot be resolved to an IP address on node xxxxxx.
[?] Tue Jan 07 00:42:25 +0000 [node-01: secd: secd.unexpectedFailure:error]: Unexpected SecD failure in Vserver "admin". Details: Error: DNS forward lookup procedure failed [ 39 ms] Entry for host-name: not found in any of the available sources **[ 49] FAILURE: Hostname lookup failed with error: Name does not resolve