GCP-HA CVO auto correct vsa.cloud.nlb.probeInactive alerts
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.10.1
- ONTAP 9.9.1
- ONTAP 9.9.0
- GCP-HA CVO alert starts that the Load Balancer probes are inactive.
- These alerts seem to self-correct in a matter of seconds.
Sun Jun 11 16:04:14 -0400 [node-02: nlbd: vsa.cloud.nlb.probeInactive:alert]: Failed to receive Cloud Load Balancer probe (now inactive) for 1 ports (port range: 63003 to 63003), within 10 seconds.
Sun Jun 11 16:04:19 -0400 [node-02: nlbd: vsa.cloud.nlb.probeActive:notice]: Received Cloud Load Balancer probe (now active) for 1 ports (port range: 63003 to 63003)
- FD errors from nlbd module in ASUP MESSAGES.LOG:
Wed Jun 21 2023 04:07:08 +00:00 [kern_nlbd:info:5642] [Jun 21 04:07:08]: 0x808600100: 0: ERR: nlbd: Recv on scoket with Fd -1 returned error: Bad file descriptor (9)
Wed Jun 21 2023 04:07:08 +00:00 [kern_nlbd:info:5642] [Jun 21 04:07:08]: 0x808600100: 0: ERR: nlbd: Failed to close fd -1