Azure Page blob : Throttling observed due to IO limit reached
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Throttling observed on storage account :Fri Aug 25 21:18:25 0000 [XXXXXXXXXXX: OscHighPriThreadPool: pha.obj.throttle:notice]: PHA Obj throttled 1 times on the blob 01RootBlob-XXXXXXX in the container blobcontainer due to the "AZURE_SERVER_BUSY".
Fri Aug 25 21:22:13 0000 [XXXXXXX-01: OscHighPriThreadPool: pha.obj.throttle:notice]: PHA Obj throttled 1 times on the blob XXXXXXX in the container blobcontainer due to the "AZURE_SERVER_BUSY".
Fri Aug 25 21:22:15 0000 [XXXXXXXXXXXXXX: OscHighPriThreadPool: pha.obj.throttle:notice]: PHA Obj throttled 1 times on the blob preooonqp4zf in the container blobcontainer due to the "AZURE_SERVER_BUSY".