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NetApp Knowledge Base

Azure CVO VM does not boot after a redeploy

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Microsoft Azure
  • NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO) 9.8-9.8P9
  • Ice Lake CPU


After a redeploy of an Azure CVO VM the node fails to boot due to the following panic message:
PANIC  : Expected cpu buses 0 mismatched fff
version: 9.10.0X10: Mon Jul 26 05:51:21 EDT 2021
conf   : x86_64.optimize.ovf
cpuid = 0
KDB: stack backtrace:
vpanic() at vpanic+0x3c0/frame 0xffffffff81de41b0
panic() at panic+0x42/frame 0xffffffff81de4210
icl_probe_cpubuses() at icl_probe_cpubuses+0x391/frame 0xffffffff81de42a0
icl_identify() at icl_identify+0x34/frame 0xffffffff81de42c0
bus_generic_probe() at bus_generic_probe+0x2d/frame 0xffffffff81de42e0
nexus_acpi_attach() at nexus_acpi_attach+0x30/frame 0xffffffff81de4300
device_attach() at device_attach+0x97/frame 0xffffffff81de4350
device_probe_and_attach() at device_probe_and_attach+0x46/frame 0xffffffff81de4380
bus_generic_new_pass() at bus_generic_new_pass+0x5f/frame 0xffffffff81de43a0
bus_set_pass() at bus_set_pass+0x3e/frame 0xffffffff81de43c0
configure() at configure+0x9/frame 0xffffffff81de43d0
mi_startup() at mi_startup+0xf5/frame 0xffffffff81de4430
btext() at btext+0x3b/frame 0xffffffff813357f0
Uptime: 1s
The operating system has halted.
Please press any key to reboot.

The panic could also be:
PANIC: Expected cpu buses ffffffff mismatched fff

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