Terraform code for CVO HA returns error 403 after BlueXP connector replacement
Applies to
- BlueXP
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO)
- Terraform integration
- BlueXP connector replaced and Terraform code to deploy CVO GCP HA updated accordingly to use the new connector's client ID.
- When running Terraform code to deploy a CVO HA pair in GCP, the error below is returned:
Step #2 - "tf plan": Error: code: 403, message: User is not allowed to do operation
Step #2 - "tf plan":
Step #2 - "tf plan": with netapp-cloudmanager_cvo_gcp.cvo-gcp-ha,
Step #2 - "tf plan": on dev_netapp.tf line 52, in resource "netapp-cloudmanager_cvo_gcp" "cvo-gcp-ha":
Step #2 - "tf plan": 52: resource "netapp-cloudmanager_cvo_gcp" "cvo-gcp-ha" {