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How does BlueXP create and purge snapshots of a CVO

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • BlueXP
  • Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO)


Snapshot creation :

  • BlueXP automatically creates snapshots of the root and boot disks during a manual shutdown of the Cloud Volumes ONTAP cluster.
  • Similarly, snapshots are also created during a reboot, such as during a Cloud Volumes ONTAP single node upgrade, panic, etc.

Purge Snapshots workflow :

  • BlueXP's action "Purge Cloud Snapshots" is triggered every 24 hours or 3 minutes after OCCM / connector starts.
  • As part of this flow BlueXP initiates a request to find snapshots to purge. From server.log :

2024-09-27 05:04:42,486 UTC INFO  [Purge Cloud Snapshots         ] [xxxxxxxx] [             ] [System         ] ( [PurgeCloudSnapshotsActor:43] Got request to find snapshots to purge

  • BlueXP identifies snapshots to purge based on the labels in the snapshot's name. For single node environments, it looks for the labels "disk-root" and "disk-boot". For HA (High Availability) environments, it looks for "vm1-disk-root", "vm2-disk-root", "vm1-disk-boot", "vm2-disk-boot". From server.log :

2024-07-27 06:32:17,320 UTC INFO  [Purge Cloud Snapshots ] [xxxxxxxx] [ ] [System ] ( [PurgeCloudSnapshotsActor:47] Got request to purge cloud provider snapshots

  • To reduce costs, BlueXP periodically deletes older snapshots of root and boot disks. The snapshots are sorted in descending order and the 2 most recent snapshots are retained and rest all are deleted.
  • When BlueXP successfully purges the snapshots as per retention period and labels , it is recorded in the BlueXP timeline and server.log of connector :


2024-12-30 11:30:42,812 UTC INFO  [Purge Cloud Snapshots         ] [******] [             ] [System         ] ( [OdinActor:122] <<<< Finish action <= Action Name: 'Purge Cloud Snapshots', Resource Key: '**********', Status: Success <<<<

Additional Information

Incase you see any discrepancy in the number of snapshots , kindly check the audit logs of your Cloud Provider. 
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