Aggregate creation/expansion failing in GCP CVO
Applies to
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP
- Cloud Manager
- Google Cloud Platform
- Blue XP < 3.9.21
- Aggregate reaching nearly full.
- Aggregate creation failing through Auto capacity management and Manual mode with below error,
2022-10-11 13:40:47,645 UTC INFO [Create Aggregate] [zQUinTo4] [zQUinTo4 ] [Anonymous] ( [OdinActor:122] <<<< Finish action <= Action Name: 'Create Aggregate',
Resource Key: ':vsaworkingenvironment-XXXXXX:aggr2:', Status: Failed with error 'Numeric value (9.2233720368547758e+18) out of range of int (-2147483648 - 2147483647)
at [Source: (StringReader); line: 320, column: 42] (through reference chain: com.netapp.oncloud.simplicator.client.gcp.GcpRegionsResponse["items"]->
com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.deser.GenericFactoryDeserializerResolver$BuilderWrapper[60]->com.netapp.oncloud.simplicator.client.gcp.GcpQuotaResponse["limit"])' <<<<