Unable to install Trident 24.10 via OpenShift operator hub
- Views:
- 18
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- Public
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- 0
- Category:
- trident-openshift
- Specialty:
- snapx
- Last Updated:
- 12/19/2024, 1:24:37 PM
Applies to
- Trident 24.10
- OpenShift
- Unable to install Trident 24.10 via OpenShift operator hub.
- The trident-operator pod reports:
level=error msg="Object creation failed." err="clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io \"trident-controller\" is forbidden: user \"system:serviceaccount:openshift-operators:trident-operator\" (groups=[\"system:serviceaccounts\" \"system:serviceaccounts:openshift-operators\" \"system:authenticated\"]) is attempting to grant RBAC permissions not currently held:\n{APIGroups:[\"policy\"], Resources:[\"podsecuritypolicies\"], ResourceNames:[\"trident-controller\"], Verbs:[\"use\"]}" [...]