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NetApp Knowledge Base

ACC setup fails very quickly during attempt to setup three MongoDB and Polaris PODs

Last Updated:

Applies to

Astra Control Center (ACC) 24.02


When attempting to deploy ACC on three worker nodes with 12Gb of memory, the third MongoDB POD never comes up (*), which also causes the Polaris PODs to fail and restart repeatedly.
The following effects and messages are seen:
    [root@lfa-04 ~ lfa-04 ]#  oc get po
    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS          AGE
    acc-helm-repo-7cc4df795-qx2vb    1/1     Running   0                 46h
    influxdb2-0                      1/1     Running   0                 46h
    loki-0                           1/1     Running   0                 46h
    nats-0                           1/1     Running   0                 46h
    nats-1                           1/1     Running   0                 46h
    nats-2                           1/1     Running   0                 46h
    polaris-consul-consul-server-0   1/1     Running   0                 46h
    polaris-consul-consul-server-1   1/1     Running   0                 46h
    polaris-consul-consul-server-2   1/1     Running   0                 46h
    polaris-vault-0                  1/1     Running   424 (2m31s ago)   46h
    polaris-vault-1                  1/1     Running   424 (2m31s ago)   46h
    polaris-vault-2                  1/1     Running   424 (2m31s ago)   46h
Events from: acc-operator-controller-manager-c9cc5988d-2fkkc_manager
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2024-06-23T17:51:57.603Z","logger":"acc.controllers.AstraControlCenterReconciler","msg":"Getting all Pods","AstraControlCenter":"netapp-acc/astra"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2024-06-23T17:51:57.611Z","logger":"acc.controllers.AstraControlCenterReconciler","msg":"warning: The required minimum of available CPU needed for Astra Control installation might not be met. See Ignore this message if you have verified that you have sufficient available CPU.","AstraControlCenter":"netapp-acc/astra","reconcileType":"Deploy"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2024-06-23T17:51:57.611Z","logger":"acc.controllers.AstraControlCenterReconciler","msg":"warning: The required minimum of available memory needed for Astra Control installation might not be met. See Ignore this message if you have verified that you have sufficient available memory.","AstraControlCenter":"netapp-acc/astra","reconcileType":"Deploy"}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2024-06-23T17:51:57.611Z","logger":"acc.controllers.AstraControlCenterReconciler","msg":"Getting all StorageClasses","AstraControlCenter":"netapp-acc/astra"}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2024-06-23T17:51:57.611Z","logger":"acc.controllers.AstraControlCenterReconciler","msg":"Getting trident version","AstraControlCenter":"netapp-acc/astra"}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2024-06-23T17:51:57.617Z","logger":"acc.controllers.AstraControlCenterReconciler","msg":"got trident version object","AstraControlCenter":"netapp-acc/astra","reconcileType":"Deploy","trident version":"24.02.0"}

{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2024-06-23T18:22:45.929Z","logger":"helm.DefaultHelmAction","msg":"Helm: StatefulSet is not ready: netapp-acc/polaris-mongodb. 2 out of 3 expected pods have been scheduled"}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2024-06-23T18:22:47.619Z","logger":"helm.DefaultHelmAction","msg":"Helm: Install failed and atomic is set, uninstalling release"}
{"level":"trace","timestamp":"2024-06-23T18:22:47.630Z","logger":"helm.DefaultHelmAction","msg":"Helm: uninstall: Deleting polaris-mongodb"}


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