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ONTAP 9: Configuring auto takeover and high availability

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9


To understand how to configure auto takeover and high availability, see the High Availability Configuration Guide in the ONTAP 9 Documentation Center.

Additional Information

To check what is currently set in the system, the following command can be executed on each HA pair:  

storage failover show -instance

Sample output (truncated):

>              Reason Takeover not Possible by Partner: -
>              Auto Giveback Enabled: true
>              Takeover Detection Time (secs): 15
>              Takeover on Panic Enabled: true
>              Takeover on Reboot Enabled: true
>              Delay Before Auto Giveback (secs): 600
>              Hardware Assist Enabled: false
>              Partner's Hwassist IP: -

The entire PDF of the High Availability Configuration Guide can be downloaded on the NetApp Documentation Center.


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