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Why doesn't SCO create a Snapshot on the storage for the db control files?

Last Updated:


Applies to

SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle (SCO)


To provide backups in SCO with a less strict storage usage policy compared to SnapManager (SMO/SMSAP), SnapCenter puts a copy of the binary
control files on a datafile filesystem
 for the time of the snapshot, and a backup-to-trace ascii copy in a way that depends on whether or not ASM is used:

  • If NFS or a filesystem LUN formatted with standard Linux filesystem is used, SCO puts the backup-to-trace file with the datafiles
  • If ASM on either NFS or raw LUNs is used, SCO stores the backup-to-trace content in SnapCenter's NSM repository since a text file on ASM is not possible.

Additional Information

  • With Oracle RAC on ASM, it's recommended to backup your NSM database regularly (see Administration Guide on how to do this), since a manual clone or restore under these circumstances is problematic.
  • Snapshot are always created for the database files and archive logs, which are required to be on NetApp storage
  • Snapshot of the redo logs are only created when using DataGuard.


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