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NetApp Knowledge Base

Active IQ Unified Manager cluster monitoring fails with error: "Failed to parse response"

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM) 9.x
  • OnCommand Unified Manager (OCUM) 9.5


  • Cluster monitoring is failing with the following message:
    Monitoring failed for cluster <cluster name>. Reason: Failed to parse response
  • Performance data in the performance view tables may show N/A for Latency, IOPs, and MBps columns.
  • Performance data may also be missing when reviewing performance charts. The charts will show No data to display.
  • The au.log for Active IQ Unified Manager will have errors similar to the following. The exact Unicode character may vary.
    2019-08-06 00:02:21,288 ERROR [pool-3-thread-4194] c.o.s.a.f.d.BaseDataSource ( - Error 1 out of 1: <cluster name> [Inconsistent data retrieved] - Failed to parse response (Failed to parse response) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x8) was found in the element content of the document.

    2021-05-04 08:37:22,204 WARN  [pool-302976-thread-3] c.o.s.a.d.n.t.z.ZAPIConnection ( - [netappfoundation] <cluster name> - while executing ZAPIs on datasource: <cluster name> IP: xx.xx.xx.xx for ZAPI: perf-object-counter-list-info, com.onaro.sanscreen.acquisition.framework.datasource.DataSourceErrorException: Failed to parse response org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x17) was found in the element content of the document.

Note: Log locations are documented in KB What are the notable log files and their respective locations for Active IQ Unified Manager?


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