Object store mirrors resync status stuck at 0%
Applies to
- Fabricpool
A new bucket (fp-Clustera
) is added as object store to the aggregates and attached as fabricpool mirror.
Fri Dec 27 06:22:37 +0800 [Clustera: mgwd: object.store.mirror.added:notice]: A second object store (fp-Clustera) is added to FabricPool Clustera_aggr1 with primary object store (s3apacsgp1Clustera) as a mirror.
Cluster::*> storage aggregate object-store show
Aggregate Object Store Name Availability Mirror Type
-------------- ----------------- ------------- -----------
Clustera_aggr1 fp-Clustera available mirror
Clustera_aggr1 s3apacsgp1Clustera available primary
Cluster::*> storage aggregate object-store show-resync-status -aggregate Clustera_aggr1
Aggregate: Clustera_aggr1
Primary Object Store Name: s3apacsgp1Clustera
Mirror Object Store Name: fp-Clustera
Resync Complete Percentage: 0%