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How to disable SPARES_LOW AutoSupport notifications

Last Updated:
1/9/2024, 10:10:06 PM

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • AFF / FAS systems with 16 drives or less


The raid.min_spare_count option specifies the minimum number of spare drives required to avoid warnings about low spare drives.

  • If every filesystem drive has the minimum number of spare drives specified in raid.min_spare_count that are appropriate replacements, then no warning is displayed for low spares.
  • This option can be set from 0 to 4.
    • The default setting is 0 for capacity-optimized platforms (e.g. AFF C190) and 1 for other platforms (e.g. FAS2720)
    • Setting this option to 0 means that no warnings will be displayed for low spares, even if there are no spares available.
    • This option can be set to 0 only on standalone or HA systems with 16 or fewer attached drives with RAID-DP aggregates.
    • If a system that is not capacity-optimized expands to more than 16 drives with this option set to 0, the option will automatically change to 1.
  • Setting of 0 is not allowed on systems with RAID4 aggregates.



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