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What are the Solaris Host recommendations for Supporting HUK 6.2

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Applies to

Fresh installation of Solaris 11.4


  • Solaris 11.4, the FC driver binding is changed from ssd to sd.  Additionally, the configuration files reside in /etc/driver/drv and not in  /kernel/drv.
  • Associated with the driver binding change, the node name in the private /devices path is changed from ssd@ to the generic disk@.
  • By default, the host_config utility that comes with the NetApp Host utilities, modifies the /etc/driver/drv/ssd.conf file. However, the configuration changes needs to be made to /etc/driver/drv/sd.conf file.
  • Configuration present in ssd.conf has to be moved to sd.conf as detailed in Oracle (Doc ID 2595926.1).  Additionally, modify the ssd stanza to sd in the file.
System configuration with and without HUK configured
OS settings before installation of HUK

root@Solaris_server:~# prtconf -v |grep NETAPP

 value='scsiclass,00.vNETAPP.pLUN_C-Mode.r9121' + 'scsiclass,00.vNETAPP.pLUN_C-Mode' + 'scsiclass,00' + 'scsiclass' value='NETAPP'

root@Solaris_server# devprop -n /dev/rdsk/c0t600A098038314A714D2B555455313355d0s2 device-blksize device-pblksize



Procedure to be followed after installing HUK
  1. Post installation of HUK, run host_config command with appropriate arguments.

​​​​​​Example: For using Solaris Native multipathing (MPxIO), run

root@Solaris_server#/opt/NTAP/SANToolkit/bin/host_config -setup -protocol fcp -multipath mpxio

  1. The following lines will be added to the /etc/driver/drv/ssd.conf. We need to copy these to the /etc/driver/drv/sd.conf. Additionally, we need to replace ssd stanza with sd.

root@Solaris_server:/etc/driver/drv/# cp  /etc/driver/drv/ssd.conf  /etc/driver/drv/sd.conf

root@Solaris_server:/etc/driver/drv/# vi /etc/driver/drv/sd.conf

  1. Validate the contents of sd.conf

Example: Below is the output for multipath as MPxIO and DMP:

  • For MPxIO

root@Solaris_server# cat /etc/driver/drv/sd.conf |grep NETAPP

sd-config-list="NETAPP  LUN", "physical-block-size:4096, retries-busy:30, retries-reset:30, retries-notready:300, retries-timeout:10, throttle-max:64, throttle-min:8";

  • For DMP:

root@Solaris_server# cat /etc/driver/drv/sd.conf |grep NETAPP

sd-config-list="NETAPP  LUN", "physical-block-size:4096, retries-busy:30, retries-reset:30, retries-notready:300, retries-timeout:10, throttle-max:8, throttle-min:2";

  1. Reboot the server to take effect of all changes.
Status after host_config and changes with  sd.conf file

root@sparc-s7-54-90:/etc/driver/drv# prtconf -v |grep NETAPP

 value='NETAPP  LUN' + 'physical-block-size:4096, retries-busy:30, retries-reset:30, retries-notready:300, retries-timeout:10, throttle-max:64, throttle-min:8'

 root@sparc-s7-54-90:/etc/driver/drv# devprop -n /dev/rdsk/c0t600A098038314A714D2B555455313355d0s2 device-blksize device-pblksize




  • If the system is upgraded from an earlier version of Solaris 11.3 or lower versions to Solaris 11.4, these changes are not required.
  • For a fresh install of 11.4 and to modify the behavior to force Fibre Channel devices to bind to the SSD driver, add the following lines to the file(/etc/devices/inception_points) and reboot with the reconfiguration: 

 # scsa-no-binding-set-fcp   

 # scsa-no-binding-set-vhci   

 # swapgeneric-ssd-loads-sd 

Additional Information

Refer to Oracle Doc ID 2595926.1 for more info


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