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NetApp Knowledge Base

Which ports need to be open for CIFS between ONTAP systems and Domain Controllers?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Data ONTAP 8


For a proper communication between ONTAP systems and Windows Domain Controllers the following ports must be open on the firewall

ONTAP System Direction Domain Controller
ANY  ->

SMB over IP (TCP:445)

DNS (TCP and UDP: 53)

LDAP (TCP: 389)

LDAPS (TCP: 636) (optional: only if LDAPS enabled)

Kerberos (TCP and UDP: 88)

Kpasswd (TCP and UDP: 464)

SMB over IP (TCP:445) (optional: needed to access the shares)

<- ANY

Additional Information

ONTAP can use any IP on the SVM for outgoing traffic, the choice of which interface will be used is based on routing to the destination and not which protocol has been enabled on the interface itself.


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