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NetApp Knowledge Base

Why does Mediator trigger a switchover when  MetroCluster IP Switches are rebooted?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • MetroCluster IP
  • Mediator
  • ONTAP 9
  • Open Network Switches


  1.  The back-end network (iSCSI/iWARP) traffic must not share failure-domains with traffic for Mediator communication  
  2.  When shared switches in the core network (for both MetroCluster IP back-end & Mediator connectivity) are rebooted, connectivity to both the Mediator Service
     and the remote mailbox disks are disrupted
  3.  The nodes at the disaster site will self-halt & the nodes at the 'surviving' site will trigger a switchover if the above conditions are met

Additional Information

More information can be found within the Mediator documentation and prerequisites pages.
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