Remote drives fail on both sides in 2 node MetroCluster after DWDM maintenance
Applies to
- MetroCluster FC
- Multi-disk failures
- Switchover/Switchback
- DWDM maintenance
- Both cluster show remote drives failed
- Both clusters show different information about the plexes
- ONTAP reporting errors:
[CLUSTER-01: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.nonCritical:error]: Disk on adapter BRO02:8, shelf 20, bay 8, not responding. Disk on adapter BRO01:8, shelf 20, bay 13, not responding. Disk on adapter BRO02:8, shelf 20, bay 16, not responding. Disk on adapter BRO02:8, shelf 20, bay
[CLUSTER-01: sanown_io: diskown.errorReadingOwnership:notice]: error 23 (adapter error prevents command from being sent to device) while reading ownership on disk BRO01:8.126L22 (S/NY8R0A0XJF0AD)
[CLUSTER-01: sanown_io: diskown.statusReadOwnership:info]: params: {'errorno': '23', 'serialno': 'Y8R0A0XJF0AD', 'diskname': 'BRO01:8.126L22', 'errortext': 'adapter error prevents command from being sent to device'}
[CLUSTER-01: disk_server_0: disk.IO.status:debug]: params: {'deviceName': 'BRO01:8.126L22', 'returnCode': '4', 'pathRetryCount': '2', 'adapterStatus': '0x9', 'cdb': '0x28:0000a3f0:0008', 'basicTimeout': '9', 'iASCQ': '0x0', 'iSenseKey': '0x0', 'sSenseCode': '', 'ETime': '1397', 'iASC': '0x0', 'victimRetryCount': '0', 'sSenseKey': 'SCSI:no sense', 'targetStatus': '0x0', 'disk_information': 'Disk BRO01:8.126L22 Shelf 10 Bay 21 [NETAPP X342_TA14E1T2A10 NA04] S/N [Y8R0A0XJF0AD] UID [50000399:089BAFCC:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000]', 'retryCount': '12', 'pathsTried': '0', 'timeoutRetryCount': '0'}
[CLUSTER-01: sanown_io: diskown.errorDuringIO:error]: error 23 (adapter error prevents command from being sent to device) on disk BRO01:8.126L22 (S/NY8R0A0XJF0AD) while reading individual disk ownership area