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MEDIATOR DOWN AUSO DISABLED due to network issues

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • MetroCluster IP
  • ONTAP 9
  • ONTAP Mediator


  • Recurring autosupports are triggered titled MEDIATOR DOWN, AUSO DISABLED
  • ONTAP event log shows connectivity to Mediator mailbox disks is lost:

[mlm.array.lun.removed:notice]: Array LUN '0f.0' (343111111534) is no longer being presented to this node
[mlm.TPQD.TPutilization:error]: Array target port of 53059d50444f5476 has had its dynamic target port queue depth lowered to 8 which is 25%% or lower of its maximum allowed value of 512.
fmmbx_diskOpsManager: fmmb_disk_io_replyFailed_1:debug]: params: {'disk_name': '0f.2', 'uuid': '36313030:35313061:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000', 'status': 'no valid path to disk', 'operation': 'MBX_DISKIO_WRITE_SPECIFIED_BLOCK', 'side': 'Local', 'handle': '0x0', 'flag': '0x14', 'io_state': '1'}
[]: Automatic switchover disabled: Mediator mailbox disk not healthy.
callhome.mccip.auso.disabled:alert]: Callhome for MEDIATOR DOWN, AUSO DISABLED.

  • Mediator connection status shows as failed 

cluster::> metrocluster configuration-settings mediator show
Mediator IP     Port    Node                    Configuration Connection
                                                Status        Status
--------------- ------- ----------------------- ------------- -----------
                31784   node1                   true          false
                        node2                   true          false

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