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NetApp Knowledge Base

FabricSwitchUnreachable_Alert reported in ONTAP

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Fabric-Attached MetroCluster
  • MetroCluster backend Fabric switches
  • SNMP monitoring


The following alerts are cleared and raised for all fabric switches:

[node02: schmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = FabricSwitchUnreachable_Alert , Alerting Resource = 1000XXXXXXXXXXd0 raised by monitor system-connect
[node02: mgwd:]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: FabricSwitchUnreachable_Alert[1000XXXXXXXXXXd0].


::> system health alert show

Node    XYZ-n2
Monitor    system-connect
Alert ID    FabricSwitchUnreachable_Alert
Alerting Resource    1000d81fcc5c4672
Subsystem    FHM-Switch
Indication Time    Sat Aug 13 09:05:52 2022
Perceived Severity    Major
Probable Cause    Connection_establishment_error
Description    "Brocade_XX.YY.ZZ.165" switch is not reachable over the management network.
Corrective Actions    1) Ensure that the node management LIF is up by using the command "network interface show".
    2) Ensure that the switch "Brocade_XX.YY.ZZ.165" is alive by using the command "network ping".
    3) Ensure that the switch is reachable over SNMP by checking its SNMP settings after logging into the switch.
Possible Effect    Switch "Brocade_XX.YY.ZZ.165" cannot be monitored for alerts.
Policy    FabricSwitchUnreachable_Policy
Additional Information                        
                            Switch: Brocade_XX.YY.ZZ.165
                            Switch WWN: 1000d81fcc5c4672
                            Component: Brocade_XX.YY.ZZ.165
                            Error Type: switch-unreachable                    
Alerting Resource Name    Brocade_XX.YY.ZZ.165

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