False positive ATTO bridge unreachable alert reported
Applies to
- MetroCluster FC
- ATTO FibreBridge
- ATTO bridge managed via in-band and secured (Ethernet access disabled)
- ONTAP reporting ATTO bridge unreachable via out-of-band managed, even though the device is managed in-band:
HA Group Notification (Health Monitor process schm: StorageBridgeUnreachable_Alert[10000xxxxxxx]) ALERT
HA Group Notification from Node-1 (Health Monitor process schm: NoISLPresentAlert[1000xxxxxxxx]) ALERT
- ATTO bridge responds to requests and is reachable via FC (output truncated):
ClusterA::> storage bridge run-cli -name ATTO_bridge -command Info
[Job 123456] Job is queued: Executing ATTO CLI command "Info" on bridge "ATTO_bridge"..
Device Status = Good
Unsaved Changes = None
Device = "FibreBridge 7500N"
Serial Number = FB7500Nxxxxxx
Device Version = 3.40
sysconfig -a
the output shows the ATTO bridge and shelves/drives connected to it