Cluster image validation warning: Name Service Configuration LDAP Check
Applies to
- Upgrade/Downgrade
An error message similar to the below is observed after the cluster image validation completes:
ClusterA::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated Elapsed
Cluster Duration Duration Status
------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ----------------
ClusterA 00:10:00 00:01:32 completed
ClusterB 00:10:00 00:01:30 completed
Name Service Configuration LDAP Check : Warning
The LDAP client configuration is invalid for the following Vservers: SVM01 (Client Configuration: SVM01-ldap). There might be other Vservers with invalid LDAP configuration. Although the following Vservers do not have LDAP configured as an ns-switch source, LDAP is enabled but the specified LDAP client configuration is invalid: SVM01.
Action: Delete the LDAP configuration, or verify that the LDAP status is "up". To verify the status, use the "vserver services name-service ldap check" command. Delete the LDAP configuration for the Vservers which do not have "ldap" listed as a configured source in the output of the "vserver services name-service ns-switch show" command.