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NetApp Knowledge Base

Cluster Network Degraded due to CRC errors in MCC-IP ISL

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • MCC-IP
  • BES-53248
  • ISL ports


  • Multiple CRC errors reported on each node in the cluster, for the ports connected to the same MCC-IP switch
Fri May 13 01:17:01 +0000 [node_name-1: vifmgr:]: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: CRC Errors Detected - High CRC errors detected on port e0b node node_name-1
Fri May 13 12:30:39 +0000 [node_name-2: vifmgr:]: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: CRC Errors Detected - High CRC errors detected on port e0b node node_name-2
  • System health alerts:
Node node_name-1
Monitor controller
Alert ID NodeIfInErrorsWarnAlert
Alerting Resource node_name-1/e0b
Description The percentage of inbound packet errors of node "node_name-1" on interface "e0b" is above the warning threshold.
Monitor ethernet-switch
Alert ID ClusterIfOutErrorsWarn_Alert
Alerting Resource switch_name-2/Slot: 0 Port: 10 25G - Level
  • show tech-support for the switch where the errors are coming from:
*************** show interface counters ***************
Port      InOctets         InUcastPkts      InMcastPkts      InBcastPkts      InDropPkts       Rx Error
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0/9       139864898626     59960779         4592             3945             1521             0
0/10      103340373759     47928943         4591             3788             1284             0
0/14      10718354822      4527651          23670            99               18615            69897
MCC-IP-IS 225773291301     65228181         44944            200              39998            69897
Port      OutOctets        OutUcastPkts     OutMcastPkts     OutBcastPkts     OutDropPkts      Tx Error
--------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
0/9       141838456127     59474271         110175           10280            34250            34250
0/10      102658610094     49021013         110182           10421            31086            31082
*************** show logging buffered ***************
<189> May 13 09:12:57 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33083 %% NOTE Session 0 of type 3 started for user serveradmin connected from
<190> May 13 09:12:35 switch_name-2-1 DOT3AD[dot3ad_core_lac]: dot3ad_db.c(960) 33081 %% INFO Interface 0/14 attached to MCC-IP-ISL1.
<189> May 13 09:12:34 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33080 %% NOTE Link Up: 0/14
<190> May 13 09:12:34 switch_name-2-1 DOT3AD[dot3ad_core_lac]: dot3ad_db.c(1040) 33078 %% INFO Interface 0/14 detached from MCC-IP-ISL1.
<189> May 13 09:12:34 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33078 %% NOTE Link Down: 0/14
<190> May 13 09:12:31 switch_name-2-1 DOT3AD[dot3ad_core_lac]: dot3ad_db.c(960) 33075 %% INFO Interface 0/14 attached to MCC-IP-ISL1.
<189> May 13 09:12:30 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33074 %% NOTE Link Up: 0/14
<189> May 13 09:12:29 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33072 %% NOTE Link Down: 0/14
<190> May 13 09:12:29 switch_name-2-1 DOT3AD[dot3ad_core_lac]: dot3ad_db.c(1040) 33071 %% INFO Interface 0/14 detached from MCC-IP-ISL1.
<190> May 13 09:12:28 switch_name-2-1 DOT3AD[dot3ad_core_lac]: dot3ad_db.c(960) 33069 %% INFO Interface 0/14 attached to MCC-IP-ISL1.
<189> May 13 09:12:27 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33068 %% NOTE Link Up: 0/14
<189> May 13 09:12:27 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33066 %% NOTE Link Down: 0/14
<189> May 13 09:12:27 switch_name-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(753) 33064 %% NOTE Link Up: 0/14
<190> May 13 09:12:26 switch_name-2-1 DOT3AD[dot3ad_core_lac]: dot3ad_db.c(1040) 33062 %% INFO Interface 0/14 detached from MCC-IP-ISL1.

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