BES-53248 reboot due to exception in snoopTask
Applies to
- BES-53248 Cluster interconnect switch
- BES-53248 switch reboots and an ISL is down afterwards
show tech
from the switch shows the following information in show logging buffered andDebug crashlog
*************** show logging buffered ***************
sim_util.c(4234) 13 %% ALRT Switch was reset due to a software exception.
*************** Debug crashlog 0 unit 1 ********
Displaying FASTPATH Crash Dump 0 from unit 1
For kernel Crash Dump - osapiDebugCrashDumpDisplay(x,1)
* Start FASTPATH Stack Information *
pid: 1121
TID: 0x7f9735cc4700
Task Name: snoopTask