XCP sync using -snap fails with "internal error getting file attrs: nfs3 GETATTR : nfs3 error 70: stale filehandle"
Applies to
- XCP 1.6.1
- XCP sync using -snap fails with error " nfs3 error 70: stale filehandle"
[root@xcprhel8 linux]# ./xcp sync -id 1335 -snap 10.xx.yy.xx:/src/.snapshot/snap3/qt1
XCP 1.6.1; (c) 2021 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to Vijay Ramamurthy [NetApp Inc] until Wed Mar 17 23:39:21 2021
xcp: Index: {source: 10.xx.yy.xx:/src/.snapshot/snap1/qt1, target: 10.xx.yy.xx:/dst}
xcp: ERROR: compare batches: internal error getting file attrs: nfs3 GETATTR 'qt1': nfs3 error 70: stale filehandle
Sending statistics...
Xcp command : xcp sync -id 1335 -snap 10.xx.yy.xx:/src/.snapshot/snap3/qt1
1 error
- XCP logs :
2021-03-16 14:10:36,035 - WARNING - 14777 xcp compare batches gcm: compare batches failed
2021-03-16 14:10:36,036 - ERROR - 14777 xcp xcp compare batches: internal error getting file attrs: nfs3 GETATTR 'qt1': nfs3 error 70: stale filehandle