XCP copy/show command fails with error "Connection reset by peer"
Applies to
NetApp XCP
XCP copy/show command fails with below error
[root@host1 linux 05:18:18]$ ./xcp show 10.192.x.x
XCP 1.6.3; (c) 2021 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to NetApp [NetApp Inc] until Mon Dec 10 00:00:00 2021
getting pmap dump from 10.192.x.x port 111...
xcp: WARNING: 10.192.x.x tcp 111 pmap2 c0: recv: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
xcp: Reopener (91454 isChild False) '10.192.x.x tcp 111 pmap2 c0': WARNING: reconnecting... 1 pending request
xcp: Reopener (91454 isChild False) '10.192.x.x tcp 111 pmap2 c0': WARNING: reconnected in 0.003s after 1 try during 0s
xcp: WARNING: 10.192.x.x tcp 111 pmap2 c0: recv: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer