unix-win name-mapping doesn't work
Applies to
- unix-win name-mapping
- UNIX user is not configured
is enabled (Default is enabled)
- Explicit unix-win name-mapping is configured but an UNIX user has mapped to windows default user instead of the unix-win name-mapping.
- Following
event is recorded.
vserver XXX Cannot map UNIX name to CIFS name. Error: Get user credentials procedure failed
[ 3] Mapping an unknown UID to default windows user
[ 3] Trying to map user to the default Windows name '-'
[ 4] Successfully connected to ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, port 445 using TCP
[ 12] Successfully authenticated with DC demo.domain.local
[ 16] Could not find Windows name '-'
**[ 16] FAILURE: Name mapping for UNIX user 'test' failed. Mapped Windows user '-' does not exist