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What is the impact of disabling "-enable-ejukebox" and "-v3-connection-drop" on NFS operations?

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  • When "Enable NFSv3 EJUKEBOX error" (-ejukebox-enable) is true and "Enable the Dropping of a Connection When an NFSv3 Request is Dropped" (-v3-connection-drop) is enabled, ONTAP responds to the RPC request with NFS3ERR_JUKEBOX, and the client retries the RPC request with a new RPC transaction ID after a short wait
    • In rare cases where ONTAP is unable to respond, the NFS server may close the connection instead of responding with NFS3ERR_JUKEBOX
  • When "Enable NFSv3 EJUKEBOX error" (-ejukebox-enable) is false and "Enable the Dropping of a Connection When an NFSv3 Request is Dropped" (-v3-connection-drop) is enabled, ONTAP drops the response and closes the connection, and the client reconnects after a few seconds to retry the RPC request
  • When "Enable NFSv3 EJUKEBOX error" (-ejukebox-enable) is false and "Enable the Dropping of a Connection When an NFSv3 Request is Dropped" (-v3-connection-drop) is disable, ONTAP drops the response but does not close the connection, causing the client to timeout the RPC request and retransmit it
    • Note: Depending on the client, this may take a few minutes

Additional Information

  • To view the current values:

cluster1::> set -privilege advanced
cluster1::*> vserver nfs show -vserver <SVM> -fields enable-ejukebox,v3-connection-drop
cluster1::*> set admin


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